BC 省律师 Lindsay Ross 因挪用 100,000 美元、误导客户、利益冲突和违反信托协议而被取消律师资格。 BC lawyer Lindsay Ross disbarred for misappropriating $100,000, misleading clients, conflict of interest, & breach of trust agreement.
BC省律师林赛·罗斯(Lindsay Ross)尽管退休并上交了执照,但仍被BC省律师协会取消了律师资格。 A BC lawyer, Lindsay Ross, has been disbarred by the Law Society of BC despite retiring and handing in his licence. 律师协会发现罗斯挪用了客户的 10 万美元、误导客户、存在利益冲突,并协助违反信托协议。 The Law Society found that Ross misappropriated $100,000 from a client, misled clients, acted in a conflict of interest, and facilitated a breach of a trust agreement. 罗斯自1989年以来一直在BC省担任律师,被认为是一位在复杂商业交易方面经验丰富的资深律师。 Ross had been a lawyer in BC since 1989 and was considered a senior lawyer experienced in complex commercial transactions.