连环强奸犯韦恩威尔莫特违反了法庭规定的条件,寻求极端的网络色情内容,被判处 18 个月监禁。 Serial rapist Wayne Wilmot breached court-imposed conditions, seeking extreme online pornography, and was sentenced to 18 months in prison.
连环强奸犯韦恩威尔莫特因绑架并强奸悉尼银行出纳员珍妮鲍尔丁 (Janine Balding) 而被判入狱 18 个月,罪名是违反法庭规定的避免接触色情内容的条件。 Serial rapist Wayne Wilmot, convicted in Sydney bank teller Janine Balding's abduction and rape, was sentenced to 18 months in prison for breaching court-imposed conditions to avoid accessing pornography. 此前,威尔莫特曾受到严格监控,但后来他被发现因寻求极端的网络色情内容而违反了监控命令。 Previously placed under strict monitoring, Wilmot was found to have breached the order after seeking extreme online pornographic content. 治安法官杰奎琳·米利奇 (Jacqueline Milledge) 将威尔莫特的暴力性犯罪历史描述为“相当令人担忧,甚至令人恐惧”。 Magistrate Jacqueline Milledge described Wilmot's history of violent sexual offenses as "quite worrying - if not frightening."