Samuel Whitmore 21岁 因袭击母亲和另一个女人 被判18个月的社区徒刑 Samuel Whitmore, 21, gets 18-month community sentence for assaulting his mother and another woman.
Samuel Whitmore,21岁,在被判定犯有在牛津攻击其母亲和另一名妇女的罪行后,被判处18个月的社区命令。 Samuel Whitmore, 21, was sentenced to an 18-month community order after being found guilty of assaulting his mother and another woman in Oxford. 他在判刑前被关押八个月。 He spent eight months in custody before sentencing. Whitmore还必须在六个月内戒酒,参加26个方案课程,并完成5个康复日。 Whitmore must also abstain from alcohol for six months, attend 26 program sessions, and complete five rehabilitation days. 如果不遵守,可能导致监禁判决。 Failure to comply could result in a custodial sentence.