慈善委员会主席奥兰多·弗雷泽发誓要保持该组织的独立性,并防止其在文化战争中被滥用。 Charity Commission chair Orlando Fraser vows to maintain the organization's independence and prevent its misuse in culture wars.
慈善委员会主席奥兰多·弗雷泽承诺,该组织不会在文化战争中被“滥用或武器化”。 Charity Commission chair Orlando Fraser pledges that the organization will not be "misused or weaponised" in culture wars. 弗雷泽强调委员会独立性的必要性,特别是在一个更加原子化、共同价值观和规范较少的社会中。 Fraser emphasizes the need for the commission's independence, especially in a more atomized society with fewer shared values and norms. 该监管机构的新五年战略将侧重于维护该委员会的独立性,并确保其不会被用于争夺国家灵魂的公开斗争中。 The regulator's new five-year strategy will focus on preserving the commission's independence and ensuring it is not used in public battles for the nation's soul.