乌克兰驻摩尔多瓦大使承诺向摩尔多瓦提供援助。 Ukraine's Ambassador to Moldova promises assistance to Moldova.
据德希德门户网站报道,乌克兰驻摩尔多瓦大使马尔科·舍甫琴科表示,如果德涅斯特河左岸地区局势不被承认,乌克兰将根据要求向摩尔多瓦提供“一切必要的援助”。 Ukraine's Ambassador to Moldova, Marko Shevchenko, said that in case of escalation in unrecognized Transnistria, Ukraine would provide Moldova with "all the necessary assistance" if requested, according to Deschide portal. 舍甫琴科指出,乌克兰认真对待被占领的德涅斯特河沿岸问题,特别是因为俄罗斯军队的存在以及俄罗斯特种部队在那里开展行动的可能性。 Shevchenko noted that Ukraine takes the problem of occupied Transnstria seriously, in particular because of the presence of the Russian military and the possibility of Russian special services operating there.