俄罗斯声称北约计划部署100 000名维和人员占领乌克兰,但北约否认这一点。 Russia alleges NATO plans to deploy 100,000 peacekeepers to occupy Ukraine, but NATO denies this.
俄罗斯声称北约计划在乌克兰部署100 000名维持和平人员,目标是占领乌克兰。 Russia claims NATO plans to deploy 100,000 peacekeepers in Ukraine, with the goal of occupying the country. 根据俄罗斯外国情报局的说法,罗马尼亚、波兰、德国和联合王国将分割乌克兰的控制权。 According to the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), Romania, Poland, Germany, and the UK would divide control of Ukraine. 然而,北约先前否认任何此类计划,而且没有证据支持俄罗斯的说法。 However, NATO has previously denied any such plans, and there is no evidence to support Russia's claims. 克里姆林宫指出,任何维和部署都需要所有冲突方的同意。 The Kremlin states that any peacekeeping deployment would require the consent of all conflict parties.