明尼苏达州最高法院维持布法罗诊所大规模枪击案凶手的定罪。 Minnesota Supreme Court upholds Buffalo clinic mass shooter's convictions.
明尼苏达州最高法院维持了对 Gregory Paul Ulrich 的定罪,他对 2021 年布法罗 Allina Health Clinic 发生的大规模枪击事件负责,导致医疗助理 Lindsay Overbay 死亡、四名工作人员受伤。 The Minnesota Supreme Court upheld the convictions of Gregory Paul Ulrich, responsible for a 2021 mass shooting at Buffalo's Allina Health Clinic, resulting in the death of medical assistant Lindsay Overbay and wounding of four staff members. 乌尔里希因包括一级预谋谋杀在内的所有 11 项重罪指控被定罪,将被判处无期徒刑,不得假释。 Ulrich, convicted on all 11 felony charges, including first-degree premeditated murder, will serve a life sentence without the possibility of parole. 法院裁定,乌尔里希的辩护律师未能使用强制性挑战来罢免一名读过枪击事件的陪审员,而且媒体的广泛报道并没有妨碍公平审判。 The court ruled that Ulrich's defense attorneys failed to use a peremptory challenge to remove a juror who had read about the shooting, and that the extensive media coverage did not prevent a fair trial.