Devin Weiland,24岁,因在明尼苏达州发生2020年枪击事件而服满50年刑期的上诉已用尽。 Devin Weiland, 24, exhausted appeals of his 50-year sentence for a 2020 shooting spree in Minnesota.
24岁的Devin Weiland,来自明尼苏达州Albert Lea, 在因2020年11月的枪击而被定罪后,他已用尽了上诉。 Devin Weiland, 24, from Albert Lea, Minnesota, has exhausted his appeals following his conviction for a November 2020 shooting spree that injured a police officer and two others. 他被判定犯有3项一级未遂谋杀罪和3项二级攻击罪,此前他从公寓内发射了约75发子弹。 He was found guilty of three counts of first-degree attempted murder and three counts of second-degree assault after firing approximately 75 bullets from his apartment. Weiland被判处50年监禁,并赔偿30 000美元。 Weiland received a 50-year prison sentence and $30,000 in restitution. 明尼苏达上诉法院和最高法院都维持对他的判决。 Both the Minnesota Court of Appeals and Supreme Court upheld his convictions.