两名帮派成员因2024年1月在堪萨斯市的大规模枪击而被定罪,造成6人受伤。 Two gang members were convicted for a January 2024 mass shooting in Kansas City that injured six.
2024年1月 在堪萨斯市皇室中心 发生大规模枪击事件 造成六人受伤 In January 2024, a mass shooting at Kansas City's Crown Center injured six people. Gang成员Brian Favela(23)和Joel Olivas(24)被判犯有多项罪名,包括非法使用武器和武装犯罪行为。 Gang members Brian Favela (23) and Joel Olivas (24) were convicted of multiple charges, including unlawful use of a weapon and armed criminal action. 一项指控被驳回,因为关于自卫的证据不充分。 One count was dismissed due to insufficient evidence regarding self-defense. 枪击事件源于敌对帮派之间的争吵。 The shooting arose from an argument between rival gangs. 对这两名男子的判决定于 12 月 12 日进行,尽管密苏里州的枪支法律宽松,但检察官强调问责制。 Sentencing for the men is set for December 12, with the prosecutor emphasizing accountability despite Missouri's lenient gun laws.