20岁的Davon Griffin-Curry被判犯有二级谋杀罪和武装犯罪行为,罪名是2022年在烟火争端中枪击致死。 20-year-old Davon Griffin-Curry convicted of 2nd-degree murder and armed criminal action for 2022 shooting death in fireworks dispute.
圣路易斯陪审团判定20岁的Davon Griffin-Curry犯有二级谋杀罪和武装犯罪行为,罪名是2022年Rickey J. Lathan因烟火纠纷被枪杀。 A St. Louis jury convicted 20-year-old Davon Griffin-Curry of second-degree murder and armed criminal action for the 2022 shooting death of Rickey J. Lathan, stemming from a fireworks dispute. 他17岁的哥哥Devin先前因类似指控被判处22年徒刑。 His brother, Devin, 17, was sentenced to 22 years for similar charges earlier. 陪审团建议判处Davon无期徒刑,Davon与Devin一起,在涉及其祖父的争吵之后,在争吵中开枪。 The jury recommended a life sentence for Davon, who, along with Devin, fired weapons during the altercation after an argument involving their grandfather.