日本黑帮头目海老泽武被指控试图出售核材料。 Japanese Yakuza leader Takeshi Ebisawa charged with attempting to sell nuclear materials.
日本黑帮头目海老泽毅被指控试图从缅甸出售核材料。 Japanese Yakuza leader Takeshi Ebisawa charged with attempting to sell nuclear materials from Myanmar. 海老泽被指控为黑帮头目,他被指控密谋从缅甸贩运铀和钚,并相信伊朗会用它们来制造核武器。 Ebisawa, an alleged leader in the yakuza, is accused of conspiring to traffic uranium and plutonium from Myanmar, believing that Iran would use it for nuclear weapons. Ebisawa 和他的同事向一名伪装成毒品和武器贩运者的美国缉毒局 (DEA) 便衣特工展示了核材料样本,该特工可以接触到一名伊朗将军。 Ebisawa and his associates showed samples of nuclear materials to an undercover Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agent posing as a narcotics and weapons trafficker who had access to an Iranian general. 核材料被扣押,样品中发现含有铀和武器级钚。 The nuclear material was seized and samples were found to contain uranium and weapons-grade plutonium.