巴基斯坦激进分子呼吁联合国调查核工程师遭绑架事件, Pakistani activist calls for UN probe into kidnapping of nuclear engineers, citing risks to non-proliferation.
人权活动家Amjad Ayub Mirza对巴基斯坦铀矿开采场绑架16名核工程师的事件表示关切。 Human rights activist Amjad Ayub Mirza has raised concerns over the kidnapping of 16 nuclear engineers from a uranium mining site in Pakistan. 他怀疑有内线工作 可能涉及军方 并暗示向伊朗走私铀 He suspects an inside job possibly involving the military and suggests uranium smuggling to Iran. Mirza呼吁原子能机构进行独立调查,并敦促美国在联合国安全理事会提出这一问题,突出全球不扩散努力面临的风险。 Mirza calls for an independent investigation by the IAEA and urges the U.S. to raise the issue at the UN Security Council, highlighting risks to global non-proliferation efforts.