加济阿巴德公寓发生火灾,一小时内得到控制;所有居民都安全逃离。 Fire breaks out in Ghaziabad flat, controlled within an hour; all residents escape safely.
1 月 3 日,加济阿巴德 Aditya Mega City 的一间六楼公寓发生火灾。 A fire broke out at a sixth-floor flat in Aditya Mega City, Ghaziabad, on January 3. 消防队在一小时内控制住了火势,所有居民都安全撤离。 The fire was controlled within an hour by the fire brigade, and all residents evacuated safely. 起火原因尚不清楚,没有人员伤亡报告。 The cause of the fire is still unknown, and no casualties were reported.