由于中国和欧洲的高需求,菲律宾在巴拉望省布苏克岛查获了 336 个巨型蛤壳碎片,价值 145,000 美元。 The Philippines seized 336 giant clam shell pieces worth $145,000 on Bugsuk Island, Palawan province, due to high demand in China and Europe.
菲律宾在巴拉望省布苏克岛查获了 336 个巨型蛤壳碎片,价值 810 万比索(14.5 万美元),但无人被捕。 The Philippines seized 336 giant clam shell pieces worth 8.1 million pesos ($145,000) on Bugsuk Island in Palawan province, with no arrests made. 由于中国和欧洲的高需求,巨蛤壳的非法贸易仍在继续,在象牙禁令之后成为象牙贸易的替代品。 The illegal trade of giant clam shells continues due to high demand in China and Europe, resulting in a substitute for the ivory trade after bans on elephant tusks. 巨砗磲,包括砗磲物种,是菲律宾的受保护物种,在珊瑚礁生态系统中发挥着至关重要的作用。 Giant clams, including the Tridacna gigas species, are a protected species in the Philippines and play a vital role in coral reef ecosystems.