9 月 6 日在马尼拉海关行动中查获的走私电子烟和假冒商品中的 ₱4.8B。 ₱4.8B in smuggled vapes and counterfeit goods seized in Manila customs operation on September 6.
菲律宾海关总署于9月6日从马尼拉Binondo的一个仓库中查获了大约48亿日元,据称其中走私了Vampes和假冒物品。 The Bureau of Customs in the Philippines seized around ₱4.8 billion in allegedly smuggled vapes and counterfeit goods from a warehouse in Binondo, Manila, on September 6. 这项行动由海关情报和调查处及海岸警卫队牵头,发现假奢侈品和各种商品。 The operation, led by the Customs Intelligence and Investigation Service and the Coast Guard, uncovered fake luxury items and various merchandise. 仓库经营人有15天时间来证明货物的合法性,或根据多项法律受到指控。 Warehouse operators have 15 days to prove the legality of the goods or face charges under multiple laws.