阿富汗发生山体滑坡,造成25人死亡、8人受伤。 Landslide in Afghanistan, 25 killed and 8 injured.
阿富汗东部努里斯坦省大雪引发山体滑坡,造成至少25人死亡、8人受伤。 A landslide caused by heavy snowfall in Afghanistan's eastern Nuristan province killed at least 25 people and injured eight others. 塔廷山谷的 Nakre 村遭受山体滑坡袭击,约 20 栋房屋被摧毁或严重损坏。 The village of Nakre in the Tatin valley was hit by the landslide, which destroyed or heavily damaged around 20 houses. 救援工作在恶劣天气和道路堵塞等困难条件下仍在进行。 Rescue efforts are ongoing amid difficult conditions, including poor weather and blocked roads. 今年推迟的降雪影响了该国的农业活动。 This year's delayed snowfall has impacted agricultural activities in the country.