在巴基斯坦的贾戈特-斯卡杜地区,有五人死于山崩,沉没在他们的汽车中。 Five people died in a landslide that buried their car in Pakistan's Jagot-Skardu region.
星期天巴基斯坦Jagot-Skardu公路的山崩造成五人死亡, A landslide on the Jagot-Skardu road in Pakistan on Sunday killed five people when their car was buried under debris. 救援小组从一条深沟中找到车辆和尸体。 Rescue teams recovered the vehicle and the bodies from a deep ditch. 巴基斯坦气象局对寒冷和部分多云的情况提出警告,建议公民对雾雾的天气保持谨慎,并避免由于山崩和不可靠的道路的风险而在山区进行非必要旅行。 The Pakistan Meteorological Department warned of cold and partly cloudy conditions, advising citizens to be cautious of foggy weather and to avoid non-essential travel in mountainous areas due to the risk of landslides and treacherous roads. 在另一起事件中,一辆汽车掉进阿斯托雷的峡谷,6人受伤。 In a separate incident, six people were injured when a vehicle fell into a ravine in Astore.