特朗普将阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼之死与他自己的法律困境、美国问题进行了比较。 Trump compares Alexei Navalny’s death to his own legal woes, US problems.
前总统特朗普在俄罗斯反对派领导人阿列克谢·纳瓦尔尼去世72小时后在社交媒体帖子中提到了他的去世,重点关注的是他自己的法律问题,而不是向普京或纳瓦尔尼的家人发表讲话。 Former President Trump mentioned Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny's death in a social media post 72 hours after his passing, focusing on his own legal issues rather than addressing Putin or Navalny's family. 特朗普将这种情况与他面临的政敌威胁进行了比较,并指责激进左翼政客、检察官和法官正在带领美国走上毁灭之路。 Trump compared the situation to the threats he faces from political enemies and accused radical left politicians, prosecutors, and judges of leading the US down a path to destruction.