俄罗斯将反对派领导人Navalny保留在“恐怖份子”名单上, Russia keeps opposition leader Navalny on "terrorist" list, targeting his lawyers amid crackdown.
俄罗斯金融监督者不会将已故反对派领袖Alexei Navalny从“恐怖分子和极端分子”名单中除名, Russia's financial watchdog will not remove late opposition leader Alexei Navalny from a "terrorists and extremists" list, keeping him under investigation posthumously. Navalny的遗孀声称这次行动旨在恐吓俄罗斯人。 Navalny's widow claims this move is intended to intimidate Russians. 同时,预计法院会向Navalny的三名律师作出有罪判决,他们被指控参加一个“极端主义”组织,这是自Navalny死后对他的盟友进行更广泛镇压的一部分。 Meanwhile, a court is expected to deliver guilty verdicts to three of Navalny's lawyers, accused of participating in an "extremist" organization, as part of a broader crackdown on Navalny's allies since his death.