反对派领导人Alexei Navalny的三名律师在俄罗斯被监禁长达5年。 Three lawyers for opposition leader Alexei Navalny jailed for up to 5 years in Russia.
代表俄罗斯反对派领袖Alexei Navalny的三名律师因被控参与极端主义团体而被俄罗斯法院监禁3.5至5年。 Three lawyers who represented Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny have been jailed for 3.5 to 5 years by a Russian court on charges of involvement with extremist groups. 这个案件被视为克里姆林宫镇压不同政见的一部分,类似于苏联时代的策略。 This case is seen as part of the Kremlin's crackdown on dissent, similar to Soviet-era tactics. Navalny是普京总统的著名批评家,他于2023年2月在监狱中死亡。 Navalny, a prominent critic of President Putin, died in prison in February 2023. 他的妻子和人权团体谴责这项裁决,称律师为政治犯。 His wife and human rights groups have condemned the ruling, calling the lawyers political prisoners.