朝鲜领导人金正恩收到了一辆汽车礼物。 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received a car gift.
据朝鲜官方媒体报道,朝鲜领导人金正恩收到了俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京赠送的一辆汽车作为礼物。 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un received a car as a gift from Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to official North Korean media. 这辆专供金正恩个人使用的汽车于 2 月 18 日由俄罗斯方面交付给金正恩的助手,可能违反联合国禁止向朝鲜出口奢侈品的禁令,而俄罗斯也加入了这一禁令。 The car, meant for Kim's personal use, was delivered to Kim's aides by the Russian side on February 18 and could potentially violate a United Nations ban on luxury goods exported to North Korea, which Russia has joined in adopting. 自金正恩和普京九月会面以来,两国一直在建立更密切的关系,引发了人们对可能向俄罗斯运送武器用于对乌克兰战争的担忧。 The two countries have been forging closer ties since Kim and Putin met in September, raising concerns about potential arms shipments to Russia for use in the war against Ukraine. 俄罗斯和朝鲜均否认运送武器的指控。 Both Russia and North Korea deny accusations of arms shipment.