Costco公司回顾五个州25家商店销售的高危险的沙门氏菌受污染蛋。 Costco recalls high-risk Salmonella contaminated eggs sold in 25 stores across five states.
美国食品和药物管理局已将科斯托的蛋召回至最高的风险级别, The FDA has elevated a Costco egg recall to its highest risk level, Class I, due to potential Salmonella contamination. 涉及在五个州25个商店出售的Kirkland签名有机牧草种卵。 The recall involves Kirkland Signature Organic Pasture Raised eggs sold in 25 stores across five states. 受影响的蛋被错误地包装成零售品。 The affected eggs were mistakenly packaged for retail sale. 没有报告有疾病,但Salmonella可造成严重的健康问题。 No illnesses have been reported, but Salmonella can cause serious health issues. 消费者应退还鸡蛋退款或将其丢弃。 Consumers should return the eggs for a refund or discard them.