爱尔兰上诉法院维持了对普莱斯先生集团的裁决,认为他们违反了巴罗谷零售公园与主要租户 Dunnes Stores 一起销售杂货的租约。 Ireland's Court of Appeal upheld a ruling against Mr Price group, finding they breached a lease at Barrow Valley Retail Park with groceries sales alongside anchor tenant Dunnes Stores.
爱尔兰上诉法院驳回了普赖斯先生集团针对一项裁决提出的大部分上诉,该裁决称该集团不能在 Dunnes Stores 是主要租户的零售园区内的一家商店出售某些杂货商品。 The Court of Appeal in Ireland has dismissed the majority of the Mr Price group's appeal against a ruling stating it cannot sell certain grocery items from a store in a retail park where Dunnes Stores is the anchor tenant. 法院维持了高等法院的裁决,即 Dafora Unlimited Co(以“Mr Price Branded Bargains”的名义进行交易)违反了其在 Barrow Valley Retail Park 的租约,因为限制性契约禁止竞争企业与主要租户 Dunnes 一起销售杂货。 The court upheld the High Court's decision that Dafora Unlimited Co, trading as "Mr Price Branded Bargains," breached its lease at Barrow Valley Retail Park due to a restrictive covenant prohibiting a competing business from selling groceries alongside the anchor tenant, Dunnes. 该判决将食品杂货定义为包括经常购买的非耐用消费品,例如保健产品、清洁用品和个人护理产品。 The judgment defined groceries to include non-durable consumable household items purchased frequently, such as healthcare products, cleaning items, and personal care products.