食品公司认为商业委员会拒绝合并新西兰杂货部门的做法是不合适的. Foodstuffs considers appealing Commerce Commission's rejection of merging NZ grocery divisions.
新西兰一家食品杂货合作社,拥有500多家商店,它正在考虑对商业委员会阻止其合并北岛和南岛分部的决定提出上诉。 Foodstuffs, a grocery cooperative in New Zealand with over 500 stores, is contemplating an appeal against the Commerce Commission's decision to block its merger of the North Island and South Island divisions. 合作社认为,合并将提高效率,降低价格,并加强对新加入者的竞争。 The cooperative argues that the merger would enhance efficiency, lower prices, and strengthen competition against new entrants. 他们有20个工作日的时间在审查委员会驳回上诉的理由之后对上诉作出裁决。 They have 20 working days to decide on an appeal after reviewing the Commission's reasoning for the rejection.