联邦上诉法院允许对沃尔玛提起集体诉讼,指控其涉嫌欺骗性和不公平的食品定价行为。 A federal appeals court allows a class-action lawsuit against Walmart for alleged deceptive and unfair grocery pricing practices.
根据联邦上诉法院 7 月 3 日的裁决,沃尔玛因涉嫌食品杂货“欺骗性和不公平定价行为”而面临集体诉讼。 Walmart faces a class-action lawsuit over alleged "deceptive and unfair pricing practices" on groceries, according to a ruling by a federal appeals court on July 3. 原告约拉姆·卡恩声称,这家零售巨头的细微价格差异每年累计高达数亿美元。 Plaintiff Yoram Kahn claims that the retail giant's small price discrepancies add up to hundreds of millions of dollars each year. 卡恩声称沃尔玛意识到了这些差异,并且其不公平和欺骗性的定价行为普遍存在且持续不断。 Kahn alleges that Walmart is aware of these discrepancies and that its unfair and deceptive pricing practices are pervasive and continuous.