一名男子在美国公交车上被发现携带 3 条裤子里的缅甸蟒蛇,但因违反进口规定而被罚款 5,000 美元,并被判缓刑。 Man caught with 3 Burmese pythons in pants on U.S. bus evades prison, fined $5,000 and sentenced to probation for regulated import violation.
一名男子在从蒙特利尔开往美国的巴士上被发现裤子里藏有三条缅甸蟒蛇,因此免于入狱。 A man has avoided a prison sentence after being caught with three Burmese pythons inside his pants on a bus from Montreal to the US. 这名男子在加拿大一家爬行动物商店以超过 2,500 美元的价格购买了这些蛇,被罚款 5,000 美元,并被判处一年缓刑。 The man, who had purchased the snakes for over $2,500 at a reptile store in Canada, was fined $5,000 and sentenced to a year of probation. 缅甸蟒蛇的进口受到国际条约和美国联邦法规的监管,将其列为“对人类有害”。 The importation of Burmese pythons is regulated by an international treaty and US federal regulations listing them as "injurious to human beings."