新加坡调查个人活活焚烧受保护蟒蛇的案件,面临最高两年的监禁。 Singapore investigates case of individuals burning a protected python alive, facing up to two years in jail.
新加坡国家公园局正在调查一起案件,其中一段视频显示两个人活活烧死了一条受保护的网状蟒。 National Parks Board in Singapore is investigating a case where a video showed two individuals burning a protected reticulated python alive. 动物关注研究和教育学会称这一行为是他们所见到的最糟糕的动物虐待案件之一。 The Animal Concerns Research and Education Society called the act one of the worst cases of animal cruelty they have seen. Python没有构成威胁,是《濒危物种公约》保护的物种。 The python, not posing a threat, is a protected species under CITES. 罪犯可能会面临长达两年的监禁和50 000美元的罚款。 Offenders could face up to two years in jail and a $50,000 fine.