怀俄明州谢里登的一名警察在执行非法侵入令时被杀。 Police Officer killed in Sheridan, Wyoming while serving trespass warrant.
谢里登警察局的一名六年半的老兵,中士。 A six-and-a-half-year veteran of the Sheridan Police Department, Sgt. 内华达·克林基 (Nevada Krinkee) 在怀俄明州谢里登市第五街和瓦尔维斯塔街交叉口附近试图发出非法侵入警告时被枪杀。 Nevada Krinkee, was fatally shot while attempting to serve a trespass warning near the intersection of 5th Street and Val Vista Street in Sheridan, Wyoming. 嫌疑人逃离现场,随后在第六大道和北谢里登大道附近找到,导致附近居民疏散。 The suspect fled the scene and was later located in the vicinity of 6th and N. Sheridan Avenue, leading to the evacuation of nearby residents. 怀俄明州刑事调查局已接管调查,谢里登警察局和其他执法机构正在共同努力解决持续的僵局。 The Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation has taken control of the investigation, while the Sheridan Police Department and other law enforcement agencies are working together to address the ongoing standoff.