在阿拉斯加的卡西洛夫,一名嫌疑人在对峙期间向军官开枪和无人驾驶飞机射击后被杀。 In Kasilof, Alaska, a suspect was killed after firing at officers and a drone during a standoff.
在阿拉斯加的卡西洛夫,一场对峙以向军官开枪的一名嫌疑人死亡而告终。 In Kasilof, Alaska, a standoff ended with the death of a suspect who fired at officers. 事件始于一个 911 电话,称一名男子开枪。 The incident started with a 911 call about a man discharging a firearm. 嫌犯向无人机和一名军官开枪,打伤他的腿。 The suspect shot at a drone and an officer, wounding him in the leg. 在受到更多威胁后,嫌疑人被特警小组杀害。 After more threats, the suspect was killed by a SWAT team. 阿拉斯加调查局正在审查使用致命武力的情况,军官可休72小时假。 The Alaska Bureau of Investigation is reviewing the use of lethal force, with officers on 72-hour leave.