伦敦警察局长 Thai Truong 为严重拖延性侵犯案件而道歉。 London Police Chief Thai Truong apologized for significant delaying a sexual assault case.
伦敦警察局长 Thai Truong 为自 2018 年起延迟对五名职业曲棍球运动员提出性侵犯案的指控而道歉。 London Police Chief Thai Truong has apologized for the delay in charges being laid against five professional hockey players in a sexual assault case from 2018. 直到 2022 年,媒体报道了一起涉及保密和保密协议的民事诉讼后,这些指控才被提起。 The charges were only brought in 2022 after a media report of a civil lawsuit shrouded in secrecy and non-disclosure agreements. 警察部门因调查拖延而面临批评,而身为局外人的 Truong 比他的前任更有能力解决这些问题。 The police service has faced criticism for the delay in the investigation, and Truong, an outsider, is better placed to address these concerns than his predecessors. 他承认警察部门的失败,但表示目前还没有到做出全面解释的时候,因为这可能会损害正在进行的法律程序。 He has acknowledged the failure of the police service but stated that the time for a full explanation has not yet come, as it may compromise the ongoing legal process.