康涅狄格大学经济学家的研究发现,一元店进入社区会导致健康食品的选择减少,同时家庭杂货店也关门了。 A UConn economist's study finds that dollar stores' entry into neighborhoods leads to less healthy food choices, coinciding with family-owned grocery store closures.
近年来,一元店变得越来越普遍。 Dollar stores have become increasingly common in recent years. 康涅狄格大学经济学家的一项研究发现,当这些商店搬进社区时,它们会导致食品选择变得不那么健康。 A study by a University of Connecticut economist has found that when these stores move into a neighborhood, they contribute to less healthy food choices. 随着许多家族经营的杂货店倒闭,这种趋势已经被观察到。 This trend has been observed as many family-owned grocery stores have been going out of business.