新西兰隐私专员对面部识别试验在减少超市犯罪方面的有效性表示担忧,质疑其准确性和偏见影响。 New Zealand's Privacy Commissioner raises concerns about facial recognition trial's effectiveness in reducing crime in supermarkets, questioning accuracy and bias impacts.
隐私专员 Michael Webster 对 Foodstuffs North Island 在北岛 25 家超市进行的面部识别试验表示担忧。 The Privacy Commissioner, Michael Webster, has expressed concerns over the facial recognition trial being conducted by Foodstuffs North Island across 25 supermarkets in the North Island. 北岛食品局正在利用为期六个月的审判来打击超市中发生的日益增多的刑事犯罪。 Foodstuffs North Island is utilizing the six-month trial to combat the rising number of criminal offenses occurring in the supermarkets. 隐私专员的担忧源于面部识别等生物识别技术对隐私的潜在影响。 The Privacy Commissioner's concerns arise from the potential privacy implications of biometric technologies like facial recognition.