爱尔兰议会司法委员会建议司法部长解决加尔达面部识别技术使用中的准确性和偏见问题。 Irish Oireachtas Justice Committee recommends Justice Minister address accuracy and bias concerns in garda's facial recognition technology use.
爱尔兰议会司法委员会发布了一份报告,建议司法部长解决人们对爱尔兰警察使用面部识别技术 (FRT) 的准确性和偏见的担忧。 The Irish Oireachtas Justice Committee has published a report recommending the Justice Minister address concerns about the accuracy and bias in the use of facial recognition technology (FRT) by gardai. 该报告包括 32 项建议,例如澄清获得补救的途径、重新起草“生物识别数据”的定义以符合欧盟法律,以及要求任何使用 FRT 的起诉方在审判前向辩方披露这一点。 The report includes 32 recommendations, such as clarifying access to remedy, redrafting the definition of 'biometric data' to align with EU law, and requiring any prosecutions using FRT to disclose this to the defence before a trial. 它还呼吁对所有生物识别的使用进行“定期、独立、法官主导的审查”。 It also calls for a "periodic, independent, judge-led review" of all use of biometric identification.