今年伦敦警方利用面部识别技术 逮捕了500多人 引发了隐私问题 London police made over 500 arrests this year using facial recognition tech, sparking privacy concerns.
伦敦大都会警察今年利用面部识别技术 逮捕了500多人 包括50多人因强奸等严重罪行被捕 London's Metropolitan Police have made over 500 arrests this year using facial recognition technology, including over 50 for serious crimes like rape. 该技术将过路者的面孔与观察名单进行比较,提醒官员注意潜在的匹配情况。 The technology compares faces of passers-by against a watchlist, alerting officers to potential matches. 虽然警察声称它有助于保护社区,但公民自由团体批评它,辩称它侵犯了隐私,可能导致错误认同。 While the police claim it helps protect communities, civil liberties groups criticize it, arguing it infringes on privacy and could lead to misidentification. 据报告,未列入监视名单的个人数据被删除。 Data for individuals not on the watchlist is reportedly deleted.