嘉年华魔术游轮在大风中与奥乔里奥斯码头相撞,导致码头挡泥板倒塌,大开曼岛的游览取消。 Carnival Magic cruise ship collides with Ocho Rios pier in high winds, causing pier fender collapse and visit cancellation to Grand Cayman.
牙买加奥乔里奥斯的一艘嘉年华游轮“嘉年华魔法”号因强风和海浪导致码头挡泥板倒塌,其侧面撞到码头侧面后受损。 A Carnival Cruise ship, the Carnival Magic, was damaged after its side slammed into the side of the pier in Ocho Rios, Jamaica, due to high winds and swells causing the pier fender to collapse. 该事件发生在2月6日ShipRocked游轮航行期间。 The incident occurred on February 6th during a ShipRocked cruise voyage. 由于天气原因,该船的行程发生了改变,但尽管如此,该船还是与码头发生了接触并遭受了损坏。 The ship's itinerary was changed due to weather conditions, but despite this, the ship made contact with the dock and sustained damage. 所有乘客最终都能够重新登船。 All passengers were eventually able to rejoin the ship.