达特茅斯学院的篮球运动员受 NLRB 管辖,为 NCAA 运动员建立工会奠定了基础。 Dartmouth College basketball players ruled employees by NLRB, enabling potential labor union for NCAA athletes.
国家劳工关系委员会 (NLRB) 地区官员裁定,达特茅斯学院的篮球运动员是该校的雇员,这使得他们有可能为 NCAA 运动员创建有史以来第一个工会。 A National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) regional official has ruled that Dartmouth College basketball players are employees of the school, allowing them to potentially create the first-ever labor union for NCAA athletes. 9 月,这 15 名球员签署了一份请愿书,加入服务雇员国际工会 Local 560,该工会代表新罕布什尔州汉诺威常春藤联盟学校的其他雇员。 The 15 players signed a petition in September to join Local 560 of the Service Employees International Union, which represents other employees at the Ivy League school in Hanover, New Hampshire. 加入工会将使球员不仅可以协商工资,还可以协商工作条件,包括训练时间和旅行。 Unionizing would enable players to negotiate not only their salaries but also working conditions, including practice hours and travel.