大学运动员通过Athletes.org,探索一个运动员协会,努力争取更好的报酬和待遇。 College athletes push for better compensation and treatment through Athletes.org, exploring a players' association.
超过4000名大学运动员加入Athletes.org, Over 4,000 college athletes have joined Athletes.org, an initiative pushing for better treatment and compensation in college sports. 该小组与50多名运动员举行了会议,正在探讨成立运动员协会的潜在好处,而不必宣布运动员为雇员。 The group, which held a meeting with over 50 athletes, is exploring the potential benefits of forming a players' association without necessarily declaring athletes as employees. 该倡议旨在解决收入分享和姓名、形象和利差(NIL)付款等问题,力求改善运动员的待遇并谈判更好的条件。 The initiative aims to address issues like revenue sharing and Name, Image, and Likeness (NIL) payments, seeking to improve athletes' treatment and negotiate better terms.