实验室生产的牛奶蛋白背后的公司着眼于加拿大无动物乳制品市场。 Company behind lab-grown milk protein eyes Canadian animal-free dairy market.
以色列食品科技公司 Remilk 已获得加拿大卫生部的批准,可以向加拿大的乳制品制造商和食品公司出售其实验室生产的牛奶蛋白。 An Israeli food tech company Remilk has received approval from Health Canada to sell its lab-grown milk protein to dairy manufacturers and food companies in Canada. 该公司的 BLG 蛋白是通过精密发酵生产的,使其成为传统奶制品的无动物成分替代品。 The company's BLG protein is created through precision fermentation, making it an animal-free alternative to traditional milk products. 加拿大卫生部已确认该蛋白质可供人类安全食用,并且对人类健康的风险并不比牛奶中的乳清蛋白更大。 Health Canada has confirmed the protein is safe for human consumption and poses no greater risk to human health than whey protein from cow's milk. 然而,含有这种蛋白质的产品必须贴上标签,以防止与牛奶类似的潜在过敏反应。 However, products containing the protein must be labeled for potential allergic responses similar to milk.