印度的FSSAI撤回“A1”和“A2”牛奶索赔咨询,在作出最后决定之前征求利益攸关方的意见。 India's FSSAI withdraws 'A1' and 'A2' milk claims advisory, consults stakeholders before final decision.
印度食品安全和标准管理局(FSSAI)已撤回其指示食品企业从包装中剔除“A1”类和“A2”类牛奶和奶制品索赔的咨询。 India's Food Safety and Standards Authority (FSSAI) has withdrawn its advisory instructing food businesses to remove claims of 'A1' and 'A2' types of milk and milk products from packaging. 现在FSSAI将与利益相关者协商,然后就此事做出最终决定. The FSSAI will now consult with stakeholders before making a final decision on the matter. 最初指令所依据的意见是,A1和A2对牛奶的区分与蛋白质结构的差别(beta-casein)有关,对奶脂产品使用A2索赔具有误导性,不符合《FSS法》及其《条例》的规定。 The initial directive was based on the opinion that the A1 and A2 differentiation of milk was linked to the difference in structure of the protein (beta-casein) and that use of any A2 claims on milk fat products was misleading and not in conformance with the provisions laid down under the FSS Act and Regulations made thereunder. 然而,联邦特别服务机构现在将重新评价这一立场。 However, the FSSAI will now re-evaluate this position.