2023年第四季度,美国银行收紧信贷标准,大中型企业信贷需求减少,但53%的银行保持贷款条件不变。 In Q4 2023, US banks tightened credit standards, with large & medium-sized businesses experiencing reduced credit demand, while 53% kept lending conditions unchanged.
美联储报告称,美国银行在 2023 年第四季度收紧了信贷标准,尽管收紧标准的比例较上一季度有所下降。 The Federal Reserve has reported US banks tightened their credit standards during the fourth quarter of 2023, despite a reduced proportion of those tightening standards compared to the previous quarter. 美联储对贷款官员的一项调查显示,大中型企业的信贷需求正在下降。 A Fed survey on lending officers indicates that large and medium-sized businesses are experiencing a decrease in demand for credit. 总体而言,53%的银行保持贷款条件不变。 Overall, 53% of banks have kept their lending conditions unchanged.