保险公司因延迟/未支付的索赔而面临审查,并为支付流程辩护。 Insurers faced scrutiny over delayed/unpaid claims and defended payout processes.
保险公司因受严重洪水影响的人们延迟或未支付索赔而面临批评。 Insurers have faced criticism over delayed or unpaid claims from people affected by severe floods. 在联邦议会听证会上,行业领导者为他们的支付流程进行了辩护,警告系统的重大变化可能会导致保费增加或公司倒闭。 During a federal parliamentary hearing, industry leaders defended their payout processes, warning that significant changes to the systems could lead to increased premiums or the collapse of companies. 保险委员会首席执行官Andrew Hall表示,澳大利亚的房屋保险面临巨大压力,为生活在洪水易发地区的人们提供保险变得越来越困难。 Insurance Council CEO, Andrew Hall, stated that home insurance in Australia is under immense pressure, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to insure people living in flood-prone areas. 作为回应,独立议员安德鲁·吉 (Andrew Gee) 指责该行业赚取巨额利润,却未能充分支持洪水受害者。 In response, Independent MP Andrew Gee accused the industry of making significant profits while failing to adequately support flood victims.