15%的澳大利亚家庭由于汽车、住宅和装货溢价上升而面临承担保险负担的压力。 15% of Australian households face insurance affordability stress due to rising car, home, and contents premiums.
汽车、住宅和物品的保险费不断上涨,使澳大利亚的生活费用上升,影响到15%的家庭——约161万户——他们现在面临着负担能力的压力。 Rising insurance premiums for car, home, and contents are driving up living costs in Australia, affecting 15% of households—approximately 1.61 million—who now face affordability stress. 关键因素包括索赔费用、物价通货膨胀和竞争性市场。 Key factors include claims costs, price inflation, and a competitive market. 澳大利亚政府已启动一个气旋再保险池,以帮助减轻这些成本。 The Australian government has initiated a cyclone reinsurance pool to help mitigate these costs. 消费者可以通过有风险意识和与保险公司就降低保险费战略进行接触来降低保险费用。 Consumers can lower insurance expenses by being risk-aware and engaging with insurers on premium reduction strategies.