美国驻保加利亚总领事宣布,在任命国家协调员的帮助下,保加利亚在获得美国旅行免签证方面取得了重大进展。 US Consul General in Bulgaria announces significant progress towards Bulgaria obtaining US visa waiver for travel, aided by the appointment of a national coordinator.
美国驻保加利亚总领事迈克尔·J·格里尔宣布,保加利亚在获得美国旅行豁免签证方面取得了实质性进展。 The US Consul General in Bulgaria, Michael J. Greer, announced that Bulgaria has made substantial progress towards obtaining a US visa waiver for travel. 政府任命保加利亚免签证旅行计划国家协调员是这一进展的关键因素。 The appointment of a national coordinator for Bulgaria's visa-free travel program by the government is a key factor in this progress. 美方支持保加利亚加入免签旅行计划,这有利于加强两国外交关系,促进人员往来更加顺畅。 The US supports Bulgaria's efforts to join the visa-free travel program, which could enhance diplomatic ties between the two countries and promote smoother people-to-people exchanges.