美国国务院表示愿意帮助亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆达成持久的和平协议。 US State Department offers to help Armenia and Azerbaijan reach a lasting peace agreement.
美国国务院已表示愿意与亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆合作,在南高加索达成持久的和平协定。 The US State Department has expressed its readiness to work with both Armenia and Azerbaijan to achieve a lasting peace agreement in the South Caucasus. 这是应美国之音亚美尼亚服务局的请求提出的。 This came in response to a request from Voice of America's Armenian Service. 美国支持建立一个安全和繁荣区域的努力,并愿意以任何商定的方式进行合作,推动和平取得进展。 The US supports efforts for a secure and prosperous region and is willing to collaborate in any agreed format to facilitate progress towards peace.