曼彻斯特,奇塔姆山伍德兰路,一名老年妇女骑着电动滑板车被抢劫,装有钱的袋子被追回,嫌疑人被捕。 Elderly woman robbed on mobility scooter, bag with money recovered, suspect arrested on Woodlands Road, Cheetham Hill, Manchester.
2月3日,一名骑着代步车的老妇人在大曼彻斯特奇塔姆山伍德兰路遭到抢劫。 On February 3, an elderly woman on a mobility scooter was robbed on Woodlands Road, Cheetham Hill, Greater Manchester. 袭击者抢走了女子的装有大笔钱的包,但后来被警方追回,钱也退还给了受害人。 The attacker took the woman's bag containing a large sum of money, but it was later recovered by the police and the money returned to the victim. 大曼彻斯特警方迅速逮捕了嫌疑人,GMP北曼彻斯特分部的首席督察保罗·诺兰表示将致力于支持受害者并确保正义得到伸张。 Greater Manchester Police quickly apprehended the suspect, and Chief Inspector Paul Nolan of the GMP North Manchester division expressed his commitment to supporting the victim and ensuring justice is served.