马文公司首席执行官在经济逐渐放缓或“软着陆”期间开设了一家新制造工厂。 Marvin Companies CEO opens a new manufacturing plant during a gradual economic slowdown, or "soft landing."
NPR 的斯科特·西蒙 (Scott Simon) 采访了马文公司 (Marvin Companies) 首席执行官保罗·马文 (Paul Marvin),后者分享了他对当前经济软着陆的乐观态度。 NPR's Scott Simon interviews Marvin Companies CEO Paul Marvin, who shares his optimism during the current soft landing of the economy. “软着陆”一词是指经济逐渐放缓,而不是突然急剧衰退。 The term 'soft landing' refers to the economy gradually slowing down, rather than experiencing a sudden sharp recession. 在采访中,保罗·马文表达了他对经济状况的看法,以及它如何为他的公司带来潜在的机会,因为他计划开设一家新的制造工厂。 In the interview, Paul Marvin expresses his thoughts on the economy's state and how it presents potential opportunities for his company, as he plans to open a new manufacturing plant.