JP摩根大通和威尔斯·法戈的3Q利润超过了华尔街的预期,表明交易滑坡有可能结束。 3Q profits of JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo exceeded Wall Street expectations, indicating a potential end to the dealmaking slump.
Jporgan Chase和Wells Fargo报告第三季度利润虽然低于去年,但超过了华尔街的预期。 JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo reported third-quarter profits that, while lower than last year, exceeded Wall Street expectations. 这两家银行的投资银行手续费都显著增加,表明近期的经商衰退有可能结束。 Both banks experienced a notable rise in investment banking fees, suggesting a potential end to the recent dealmaking slump. Jporgan的CFO指出,结果与美国经济的“软着陆”情景一致,通货膨胀下降而没有引发衰退。 JPMorgan's CFO indicated the results align with a "soft landing" scenario for the U.S. economy, where inflation decreases without triggering a recession. 尽管增加了信贷损失规定,但管理人员仍然对经济复原力持乐观态度。 Despite increased credit loss provisions, executives remain optimistic about economic resilience.