中等收入美国人对个人财务前景的看法存在分歧。 Middle-Income Americans Split on Outlook for Personal Finances.
Primerica, Inc. 发布的一项调查显示,中等收入美国人对个人财务前景的看法各不相同。 Middle-income Americans are evenly split on the outlook for their personal finances, according to a survey released by Primerica, Inc. 该调查恰逢Primerica家庭预算指数(HBI)发布,该指数表明中等收入家庭的购买力增长超过了自2022年2月以来未见的通胀水平,12月达到102.5%。 The survey coincides with the release of Primerica's Household Budget Index (HBI), which indicates that middle-income households experienced gains in purchasing power that surpassed inflation levels not seen since February 2022, reaching 102.5% in December. 12月份此类家庭的平均购买力为102.5%,高于11月份的100.5%和去年同期的96.5%。 The average purchasing power in December for such households was 102.5%, up from 100.5% in November and 96.5% from the same period last year.