因家庭暴力被捕,一名被警方拘留的男子在卡拉马祖监狱因医疗紧急情况死亡;要求进行独立审查。 Man in police custody dies from medical emergency in Kalamazoo jail, following domestic violence arrest; independent review requested.
在卡拉马祖,一名男子在卡拉马祖县监狱拘留期间因医疗紧急情况在警方拘留期间死亡。 In Kalamazoo, a man has died while in police custody following a medical emergency during intake at the Kalamazoo County jail. 当天早些时候,他因家庭暴力指控被捕。 He was arrested for domestic violence charges earlier in the day. 紧急医疗人员在将他送往医院之前尝试采取挽救生命的措施,但由于身体状况不佳,他被宣布死亡。 Emergency medical personnel attempted life-saving measures before taking him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead due to his medical condition. 卡拉马祖县警长办公室已要求密歇根州警长协会对这一事件进行独立审查。 Kalamazoo County Sheriff’s Office has requested an independent review of the incident with the Michigan Sheriff’s Association.