乔治布什洲际机场的灭火故障释放出泡沫,影响了停机坪和设备,但没有人员、飞机或航班运营受到影响。 Fire suppression malfunction at George Bush Intercontinental Airport released foam, affecting tarmac and equipment, but no people, aircraft, or flight operations were impacted.
休斯敦乔治布什洲际机场发生故障,导致灭火系统无意中向邻近的停机坪释放泡沫,覆盖车辆和设备。 A malfunction at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston led to a fire suppression system unintentionally releasing foam onto the adjacent tarmac, covering vehicles and equipment. 该泡沫不含 PFAS 并且可生物降解,事件发生在联合航空公司的机库。 The foam was PFAS-free and biodegradable, and the incident occurred at a United Airlines hangar. 泡沫释放时大楼内无人,该事件并未影响机场的运营。 No one was inside the building when the foam was released, and the event did not affect the airport's operations. 在联合航空环保团队、休斯顿消防局、休斯顿机场和休斯顿公共工程部门的支持下,清理工作正在进行中。 Clean-up efforts are ongoing, with support from United Airlines environmental teams, the Houston Fire Department, Houston Airports, and Houston Public Works.